Bücher über Marinemalerei, Schiffsportraits und Maritime Antiquitäten
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2) Referenzliste (kein Verkauf)
Autor / Titel / Verlag / (Kommentar in English):

Most of the mentioned books are out-of-print and some might we difficult to obtain. We do not operate a book-shop on this page - this is a booklist for reference purpose.

Anthese - Portraits de Navires - Musee Portuaire de Dunkerque (contains many illustrations from French Ship Portraits, including Reverse-on-glass paintings)

Archibald, E.H.H. - Dictionary of Sea Painters and The Dictionary of Sea Painters of Europe and America - London, 1989 and 2000

Bellec, Francois - Schiffahrt und Kunst in Frankreich - Art Maritim Hamburg 1987 (about French Marine Paintings, Text in German language, many illustrations)

Berko, P. & V. - Seascapes of Belgian Painters born between 1750 & 1875 - Knokke, 1984

Bracker, Jörg / Prange, Carsten - Alster, Elbe and the Sea - Hamburg`s Shipping and Port in selected Paintings, Drawings and Watercolours of the Museum of Hamburg History- published 1981 in Hamburg, Hardcover 9 by 10 inch, 360 pages, many color illustrations (mostly full page size), describing and showing paintings by Georg Schmitz, Adolph Vollmer, Jeß Bundsen, Peter Suhr, Christoffer Suhr, Carl Rodeck, Henry Mecklenburg, Alexander Scherzer, Christian Morgenstern, Lorenz Petersen, Robert Cleveley, C. H. Hustede, Christian Heuer, Peter Christian Holm, China Trade Harbor Views, Antonio Jacobsen, Johannes Holst, Robert Gleich, Hans Bohrdt, Carl Wilhelm Schnars-Alquist, Friedrich Kallmorgen, Alexander Kircher, Franz Hünten, Poppe Folkerts, Carl Becker, R. Schmidt-Hamburg, T. von Eckenbrecher, Heinrich Petersen and others - in German and English language, with many Harbor- Marine- and Ship Portrait Paintings - one copy available for collection

Brewington, Dorothy E. R. - Dictionary of Marine Artists - Salem 1982 (without illustrations, text only)

Brewington, Dorothy E. R. - Marine Paintings and Drawings in the Mystic Seaport Museum - Mystic 1982 (with many illustions from the ship portraits)

Brewington, M. + D. - Marine Paintings and Drawings in the Peabody Museum Salem - Museum publication, 1979 (comprehensive work about ship portraits, highly recommended)

Reference Book
Ship Portrait Artists. A Guide and Dictionary for Collectors. Including extensive art price information and advise

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Buchholz, Karsten - Dictionary "Ship Portrait Artists" - published Dec. 1997 in Hamburg, a comprehensive reference book for Marine Art Collectors, Dealers and Ship Lovers about Ship Portraits from the period of 1780 to 1920, with price indications from the art market, in English language, Hardcover, 173 pages, 80 b/w and 65 color illustrations, limited edition, 21x30 cm (8 by 11 3/4 in.) - weight: 900 grams, for a review of this book by Dr. Alf-Sibrand Ruhle click here

out of print (no more copies are available) - new edition planned
We will introduce the new edition on this page when it will be available

Carter, John Swain - American Traders in European Ports - Salem 1982

Christmann, Volker - Bibliography "Segelsport - Bibliothek Christmann", published in 1999 in Wiesbaden, Germany, the first Bibliography about Sailing Sport and Yachting Literature in German language (with some English Literature as well), includes listings of more than 2,200 books about Yachting in German language and more than 750 books in English language, more than 130 periodicals and price indications (market price in German Marks) about the books, limited edition of 500 copies, first edition. Hardcover, 410 pages, 6 1/4 by 8 5/8 inch (16 x 22 cm), privately printed, very good guide for Collectors of yachting books

Colombotto, Hugo H. -  Schiffahrt und Kunst aus Argentinien - Art Maritim Hamburg 1991

Marine Painting in Hull

Credland, Arthur - Marine Painting in Hull Through Three Centuries -, published 1993 in Hull, UK. This book is about the marine artists working in Hull, eg. Thomas Binks, William Griffin, John Ward, W.F. Settle, Henry Redmore, E.K. Redmore, James Wheldon, William D. Penny, Richard Dodd Widdas, Samuel H. Wilson, Thomas Lucop, Benjamin Tindall, W.R. Nixon, Thomas Somerscales, Harry H. Rodmell, J. Steven Dews and others, very well done biographical comments and description of the paintings, generously illustrated, also several whaling ships are shown, Softcover, 230 pages, 8 by 11 inch - this is a very useful reference book for marine art dealers and collectors worldwide

Crossman, Carl L. - The Decorative Arts of The China Trade - Antique Coll. Club Woodbridge 1991

Davidson, A. S. - Samuel Walters Marine Artist - Coventry 1992

Davidson, A. S. & Tibbles, Anthony - Fifty Ship Portraits by Francis Hustwick - Coventry 1999

Deuchar, Stephen - Concise Catalogue of Oil Paintings in the National Maritime Museum - Antique Collectors Club, Woodbridge 1988

Finch, Roger - The Pierhead Painters - Naive Ship-Portrait Painters 1750-1950 - a dictionary about the Artists and their works, published 1983 in London, UK, essential reference source for collectors and dealers in Ship Portraits, one of the few books at all who are especially written about this subject. Hardcover 8 1/2 by 11 inch, 160 pages with 158 b/w illustrations and 16 color plates

Finamore, Daniel - Across the Western Ocean: American Ships by Liverpool Artists - Salem 1995

Farwell, Robert D. - Goodly Ships on Painted Seas - Penobscot Marine Museum 1988

Furrer, Hans-Jörg - Die Vier- und Fünfmast-Rahsegler der Welt - Herford 1984 - 248 pages with many Illustrations, Text in German - mit etlichen Abbildungen (teilweise auch in Farbe und auch Abbildungen von Schiffsbildern), Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag, 22 x 27 cm, Verzeichnis aller Segelschiffe dieser Bauart weltweit mit Angaben zu der Bauwerft, den Reedern, den Kapitänen, dem Einsatzgebiet, den Eigentümerwechseln und zu der Lebenslauf des Schiffes. Beschrieben werden u.a. die folgenden Schiffe: Kommodore Johnsen, Albert Rickmers, A.D. Bordes, Alexandre, Andrina, Arthur Sewall, Bermuda, California, Cap Horn, County of Aberdeen, Crown of India, Drumeltan, Dunkerque I, Earl of Dunmore, France I+II, Great Republik, Herzogin Cecilie, Juteopolis, Kobenhavn, L`Avenir, Liverpool I+II, Loch Torridon, Loire, Magdalene Vinnen, Maria Rickmers, North Star, Padua, Pamir, Passat, Peking, Peter Rickmers, Potosi, Preußen, Priwall, R.C. Rickmers Shenandoah, Trade Winds, Waterloo usw. - Wichtiges Nachschlagewerk für alle die sich mit alten Segelschiffen und Schiffsbildern beschäftigen

Grassby, Richard B. - Ship, Sea & Sky, The Marine Art of James Edward Butterworth - New York 1994

Greenacre, Francis - Marine Artists of Bristol: Nicholas Pocock & Joseph Walter - City of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery 1982

Händel-Riert - Skutemalare - published by Johnny Riert, Uppsala 1996

Hansen, Clas Broder - Lexikon der Segelschiffstypen - Oldenburg

Hansen, Hans Jürgen - Deutsche Marinemalerei - Oldenburg und Hamburg, 1977

Holm-Petersen, Frode - Skipsportrettmalere - Troense 1967 - one of the earlierst reference works about this matter

Available for purchase (collection only)- India House Team - A descriptive catalogue of *The Marine Collection at India House* - published by the India House, New York 1973 - second, revised edition, limited to 1,250 copies - Hardcover, 144 pages (hand-made paper) with many illustrations - size 26 x 30 cm (10 1/4 by 11 3/4 inch), weight nearly two kilos - this book describes the numerous objects preserved in the India House. The India House was founded by some ship owners in New York and houses several most exiting ship portraits (and other maritime related artefacts) which was donated by the members.

Jehle, Michael A. - From Brant Point to the Boca Tigris - Nantucket and the China Trade - Nantucket 1994

Kaufmann, Gerhard - Amerikanische Schiffsbilder - Altonaer Museum Hamburg 1982

Kaufmann - Meyer - Schiffsportraits (im Altonaer Museum) - Hamburg c. 1972

Kludas, Arnold - Die Geschichte der deutschen Passagierschiffahrt Vol. 1-5 - Hamburg 1986

Kugler, Richard C. - William Bradford - Sailing Ships & Arctic Seas - The University of Washington Press, 2003

Lachs, Johannes - Schiffe aus Bremen - Bremen 1995

Lee, Jean Gordon - Philadelphians and the China Trade - Philadelphia 1984

Lüden, Walter - Föhrer Seefahrer und ihre Schiffe - Heide 1989

Meyer, Jürgen - 150 Jahre Blankeneser Schiffahrt 1785-1935 & Hamburgs Segelschiffe 1795-1945 - Hamburg 1968 and later reprinted

Meyer-Friese, Boje - Marinemalerei in Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert - published in Oldenburg 1981 - essential book (text in German language) about Marine Art in Germany during the 19th Century with biographical data about the artists and 143 paintings illustrated, eg. works by Hardorff, Achenbach, Saltzmann, Stoltenberg, Melbye, Bohrdt, Arenhold, Stöwer, Locher, Martino, Bergen, Schmidt-Hamburg, Günter, Sandrock, Petersen, Fedeler, Jensen, Dücker, Hambüchen, Böhme, Wagner, Hildebrandt, Douzette, Holst, Schönleber, Schnars-Alquist, Becker - Hardcover, 160 pages with illustrations

Nikolov, Russalka - Schiffahrt und Kunst aus den USA - Art Maritim Hamburg 1993

Nikolov, Russalka - Schiffahrt und Kunst aus Portugal - Art Maritim Hamburg 1996

North, Bracker, Tamm - Maler der See: Marinemalerei in 300 Jahren - Herford 1980

Pawlik, Peter Michael - Von der Weser in die Welt - issued by the German Maritime Museum, published in Hamburg 1993 - Hardcover, 496 pages with more than 380 illustrations (color and b/w), size 21 x 28 cm (8 by 11 inch), weight more than two kilos - this book describes the history of the numerous sailing vessels built in Bremen between 1770 and 1893. It includes also color reporductions of more than 100 quality ship portraits, eg. by Carl J.H. Fedeler, Oltmann Jaburg, Vincenzo Luzzo, Peter Foss, Frederik Sorvig, paintings by China Trade artists, Petrus Weyts, William B. Spencer, Ole Johnsen-Seboy, Dirk Anton Teupken, Carl Fedeler, Hugo Slevogt, Jacob Petersen, Fritz Muller, Thomas Willis, Tomaso De Simone, Edouard Adam, L.P. Sjostrom, Jacob Bottger, Lorenz Petersen etc. - an interesting and well made reference book about 19th Century sailing vessels of Bremen and the Ship Portraits of these vessels by German and International artists

Pietsch, Ulrich - Die Lübecker Seeschiffahrt vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit - Lübeck 1982

Port Panorama - Exhibition of Marine Paintings: Merseyside Maritime Museum - Liverpool 1986

Poulsen, Hanne - Danske Skibsportraetmalere - Kunstbogklubben (Palle Fogtdal), Copenhagen 1985 - Dictionary about Scandinavian and Northern German Ship Portrait Artists, Text in Danish language, Hardcover, 140 pages with many illustration

Reference Book

Reissmann, Silvia - Von Achilles bis Zephir - Die Schiffsporträts des Rostocker Schiffahrtsmuseums - published 1999 in Rostock - Marine Museum Reference Book - Text is in German language - about 140 Ship Portraits of Baltic Sea Sailing Ships and Steamers from the 19th and early 20th Century are shown in large, half-page illustrations (nearly all in color), among them many international artists (eg. Yorke, Jacobsen, Spencer, Spin, Purvis, Teupken, Lind, Locher etc. ) - Hardcover, 168 pages, ca. 140 illustrations, limited edition, 21 x 28 cm (8 by 11 in.) - weight: 800 grams

Scholl, Lars U. - Marinemaler aus Deutschland - Art Maritim, Hamburg 1990

Deutsche Marinemalerei

Scholl, Lars U. - Deutsche Marinemalerei 1830 - 2000 (German Marine Art 1830-2000) - published by Knauss in 2002 - Hardcover, 103 pages with 44 illustrations (most of them in color), size 22 x 29 cm (8 1/2 by 11 1/2 in.) - a reasearch by the well known art historian Dr. Scholl from the German Maritime Museum. Many of the illustrations were not seen so far in other publications. In German language. Among the works illustrated we find for example paintings by the following artists: Heinrich Reimers, Hugo Schnars-Alquist, Jacob P. Hackert, Carl Saltzmann, Max Schröder-Greifswald, Alexander Kirchner, Hans Bohrdt, Andreas Achenbach, Walter Zeeden, Carl Saltzmann, Franz Müller-Gossen, Heinrich Leitner, Felix Schwormstädt, Erich Kips, Eugen Dücker, Fritz Stoltenberg, Claus Bergen, Willy Stöwer, Zeno Diemer, Lyonel Feininger, Jochen Sachse, Robert Schmidt-Hamburg etc. - this is currently the latest and up-to-date publication about this matter, written by the Director of the German Maritime Museum

Schiaffino, Pro - The Sailing Ships of Camogli - Genoa 1987

Smith, Philip C.F. - The Artful Roux, Marine Painters of Marseilles - Salem 1978

Smith, Philip C.F. - More Paintings and Drawings in the Peabody Museum - Salem 1979

Sniffen, Harold S. - Antonio Jacobsen: The Checklist - New York 1984 & Abbenda 1994

Tibbles, Anthony - Illustrated Catalogue of Marine Paintings in the Merseyside Maritime Museum - Upton 1999


Timm, Werner - Kapitänsbilder, Schiffsportraits seit 1782 -, published 1971 in Rostock, important work about ship portraits in Museums and Collections on the German Baltic Coast. Includes e.g. paintings by O. Johnson-Seboy, D.A. Teupken, B.H. Hansen, J. Spin, J. Petersen, P. & C.L. Weyts, A. Lind, E. Linnig, D. Gavarrone, H. Pellegrin, G. Luzzo, H. Reimers, C. Olsen, L. Renault, H. Petersen, W. Stoll, A. & E. Laschke, A.K. Branden, L.P. Sjöström, O. Jaburg, W.H. Yorke, W.B. Spencer, A. Jacobsen, H. Loos, J.H. Mohrmann, A. Jensen, H. Versaille, G. Römer, T. West, J. Gregersen, E. Adam. - Extensive descriptions of the paintings and index of artists, many large illustrations (some in color), Hardcover, 191 pages, 8 x 10 1/2 inch, wear at the dust jacket - useful book for collectors of ship portraits and fine art dealers, richly illustrated

Treue, Wilhelm - Ostseeschiffahrt in der Kunst - Art Maritim Hamburg 1988

Van Beylen, J. Vlaamse - Maritieme Achterglass-Schilderijen- National Scheepvartsmuseum Antwerpen, 1981

Webster & Co. - Old Ships of New England - Boston 1923

Wilmerding, John - American Marine Painting - New York 1987

Schiffahrts-Museum Flensburg

Museum Guide (Book) of the Maritime Museum Flensburg - published in 1985, in German and Danish language, 96 Paintings and Objects described and illustrated (some also in color), eg. Sea Chart of 1585, Globe of 1601, Ship Models of the 18-20th Century, Captain`s Spy Compass, early Nautical Instruments, Mastheads (18th C.), Figure Heads, early Glass Ship Modell (ca. 1800), Ship Portraits, Marine Art, Whaling Artefacts, Scrimshaw, Ship`s Medicine Chest, Chronometer, Builder`s Models etc., softbound, good guide for Marine Art and Nautical Antiques of Northern Germany and Southern Denmark

Chinese Export Porcelain
Oriental Export Market Porcelain and its influence on European wares written by Geoffrey A. Godden and published 1979 by Granada, London. This Hardcover book has 384 pages with numerous illustrations. The dustjacket is bumped at margins and it has traces of use, otherwise condition is good.

Early Chinese Export porcelain showed a continuing growing demand in the last 20 years and this book will be of good use for the serious collector who is interested in or owns such items.

Most of the mentioned books are out-of-print and some might we difficult to obtain. We do not operate a book-shop on this page - this is a booklist for reference purpose.

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